I cannot take it anymore! The talking heads and Washington are driving me nutty! Between the two factions everyone should be jumping out of a window by now. Stop! Do not panic!!
Those of you that know me well can verify the fact that I have been saying the market was overvalued above 10,500. Put the puzzle parts together. The White House is not providing any leadership. On his best day the President is not even an “Armchair Economist”. He does not have a clue about what the Business Plan For America is. Congress as well has done a very poor job of instilling confidence not only from the American public but from foreign governments and foreign investors. Above and beyond that, the economy in in the proverbial tank. We have a government that cannot even tell the public what the true deficit is. So then why would it attempt to bump its’ head on 13,000? An overly optimistic group of traders and investors not really paying attention to the real metrics? Well it is more than likely all the above and some. Correction you ask? No this is where we should have been all along. The market has been overvalued for some time now.
We Need Organized Leadership
Europe is having its share of issues. But as far as we should be concerned, deal with our problems first then maybe move on to assisting others I say. For now we need organized leadership. We need to show the world that we are in control of our own numbers, budgets and forecasts. We need the American people to believe that the government really does know how to steer this massive economic ship. We need to have a government that promotes growth by stimulating the small business and its owners to reinvest and hire for expansion. Building businesses for growth through governmental incentives. That is the kind of boost we need. Give the incentives to the small business person I say. Let’s not put the governments’ money into beatification and highway off ramp projects. That is very short sighted. We need a Congress that stops bickering, takes off the party hat and puts on the hard hat. Look at tax incentives as capital to stimulate business growth. Thus economic growth!
We Need the Business Plan For America
I am tired of the Presidential rhetoric. I am tired of the Congressional verbosity. What we truly need is someone that has the Business Plan For America in his head and wants to put a plan of action that will put America back on the road to growth and prosperity. So Please Mr. Romney, tell us what it is. Since you are going to be the next President, share your Plan for Prosperity. We need it now more than ever. Leadership is lacking and it shows. We need to see your vision. We need to know that you have a sensible plan for business and for prosperity. We heed to see the same light at the end of this long and dark tunnel as you do.
The President has shown absolutely no knowledge of the theory of Economics. He has shown no knowledge of banking and finance. All he has chosen to do is blame the previous administration by saying “We inherited this problem and it is not ours.” Well guess what the day you took office Mr. President, it became your problem and you are, under the law, forced to take ownership of this mess. Get on with solving the problem and stop trying to tell us it is not yours.
Look For Bargains on the Stock Market
In the meantime, look for the bargains on the stock market. Buy gold! In short go in two directions at once. I have been out of the market since early last year. I bought Ford at $1.66 I sold it at the top as well as a host of others that were all bargains I might add. I have been buying silver whenever I can and gold along the way. It is time to get back in the market but only buy the undervalued bargains. The market is where it should be. That is until the economy bounces back. So there may be a little more to go to reach the absolute bottom but you are starring at it. So pay close attention to the metrics and get in only where a bargain exists.
The Government Can’t Help You But I Can
On to other matters what about money for my business you ask? Well it’s out there but it is scarce in some respects. In others it is abundant. All solid businesses can form capital. In other words all good transactions get done. There is light at the end of the tunnel and we at BHCL see it. But it takes hard work and a good business plan and solid management. Have hope, for we are going to see new leadership in Washington come the election. If this guy was one of my bankers I would have fired him by now. So Mr. Romney give us your Business Plan For America. We need to know new leadership will in fact put us all on the road to prosperity again. Meanwhile call me if I can help you with your business capital formation project! I know the government can’t help you but I can.
This is not an offer to sell nor an offer to purchase securities. This is commentary and opinion. Any advice to purchase or sell any financial instruments, securities or government bonds should be sought from a licensed/registered financial advisor and or securities broker/dealer.