Monday, September 13, 2010

Government Has Not Learned Anything From History

Banks Get New Restraints
Front page news reads “Banks Get New Restraints”. Globally governments are agreeing to add more regulation to avoid future financial melt downs. That assumes that all the governments involved have a crystal ball and the view from here is in fact what we will need seven years from now.
And it Was Not Good
As for now we need a little less regulation to allow the financial industry the latitude to maneuver in choppy uncertain economic waters. So now government, the icon of not knowing what is right for business is using its fuzzy image crystal ball to predict and control the future. I cannot disagree more. I have seen firsthand what over stepping regulation can do to an industry. I have seen what the perspective and inexperience of regulators can do to a perfectly healthy business. And it was not good.
Arm Chair Quarterbacking
Imagine for a moment a person that has no real world business experience making sea changing decisions for a financial institution. This government regulator is now arm chair quarter backing the strategy and business practice of a bank. Dangerous. Now put the factors together. More regulations phased-in in the future, of which we know nothing about, along with government regulators whom know little if nothing about how to interpret and integrate these new regulations into safe and sound business practice for banking institutions.
The Complex, the Mundane and the Futile
This is clearly a case where government has not learned anything from history. The government is going to over reach, over regulate, force over capitalization and overkill, at a time when we need to free up time of bankers to get back in the business of lending. Instead we are now going to increase cost and take away valuable time to understand the complex, mundane and futile. Wow!

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