Friday, December 3, 2010

I Miss Sonny Bono

He Always Put His Best Foot Forward
Sonny Bono went into politics with the best intentions. From the day he ran for mayor until he achieved success as a congressman he put his best foot forward. I have often thought that more politicians should have had a little more Sonny Bono in them as they set forth on a political career. But alas that is not generally the case.
America Wants Honesty From Their Congressman
I listened to Ben Stein on the CBS Sunday Morning Show. I took his points with some skepticism. Yes Charlie Rangel was a war hero. Yes he has served for a long time. And he has been behind many an important political agenda. But he did make some mistakes. In a time when the average American wants honesty from their congressman he offered up uncertainty. We will never know the entire story political or otherwise. We will only know what we see and hear in the press and as we already know that cannot be relied upon. But someone of his tenure should have been smarter. Someone of his tenure should have been more responsible. Someone of his tenure should have not been as sloppy. Congressmen or statesmen should live to a higher standard. This was not the case.
Sonny Bono…He Got Right
At a time when we really need Washington to outperform themselves we little need an incident like this. When we need Congress to be forward thinking and innovative we did not need this kind of distraction. We need these people we elect to live and work by example. And that example needs to be a reliable and a trustworthy one.
What Charlie Rangel needed was a little more Sonny Bono in him. I do miss Sonny Bono… he got right

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